Noelle Foster
Momboss Noelle Foster Interview
Interview Transcript
Okay we are live on facebook. Hi I’m Evi OMsGurl; this is Noelle Foster. I am super excited to connect and chat with you today. Thank you so much how are you doing?
I’m doing great. This is my um. My weekends are usually my kid free days but I have my daughter here when I don’t have the two of them together. It’s super peaceful. So it’s very peaceful in the house today.
That’s awesome, how old is your daughter?
She is ten. She is awesome. We just dyed her hair purple pink and blue.
That’s really fun, that’s awesome so yeah I wanted to talk a bit about you being a mom and a mom boss. Because on your website that’s kind of what you call it and that’s a series that you are beginning? Um, do you want to talk about what inspired you to become a mom boss?
I mean so I well you know sometimes you give birth to things that you need that you didn’t see before. And so really what happened with me was that after a 14-year marriage my uh we were getting divorced and um I needed to well I had a part-time salary income from my um from some editing and ghostwriting that I was doing but it was like I mean you know fifteen thousand dollars a year right is not gonna um support a family in California. Which is I think the last time I checked like the most expensive state in the country maybe New York and California together and so I um needed I needed to earn I just needed to earn and even though really what I wanted to do was I really wanted to stay home with my kids and chill. Because I waited a long time to have children as you can see by my hair color.
Ya you were 42 with your first child right?
I was 42. Isn’t that encouraging?
For sure encouraging yeah yeah
And then 45 years with my second and he was um just a little fun fact he was the second egg in my uh to leave my body second to last egg to leave my body so there was only one more egg yeah so my children were meant to be here. You know yeah but um but the thing was is that you know so it’s really precious to me like to have time with my children and I, I needed a business model that would let me stay home and homeschool. Um I I you know most of my friends had already had children by the time I had kids and so i’ve seen all the different styles of being a mom some moms need to or want to put their children in school all day long and then after care and then pick them up from school and then have like three hours of like you know microwave dinners and homework and oh my god it’s just like it you know and I was in my 20s a nanny for some of those families um and I knew that was not the life that I wanted to have. I just absolutely knew it and I i was not like willing to do that um it was just my kids my first child was a surprise I didn’t think I was gonna be able to have them and um and so i’m like okay this is a gift you know receive this and and be grateful for it and treat it like a gift so um so I needed a different paradigm of earning as a mother and so um I didn’t know what that was going to look like I just had I just knew what I wanted right I wanted like I only only wanted to work a couple hours a day you know two three hours a day I wanted to work from the internet so that we can be location independent so we live way out in the country the only thing here is a post office and a cafe in our town we got chickens and pigs and goats and horses and we need some good internet so that helps thank god I have the internet sometimes the internet is not awesome out here because of how far out it is so maybe there might be like a little glitch every once in a while and something yeah a little screen um but so I i didn’t I knew it was going to be through the internet I knew it was probably going to be some kind of marketing through the internet sales marketing through the internet you know when you are in business you you have to have a product or a service um otherwise it’s like you know it’s a scam frankly so it’s a product or a service and I i knew that it was going to be a product or service somehow. It was going to be serving people and my interface was going to be through the internet but I didn’t know a darn thing about it and I was fortunate enough like I use it to post baby pictures and for my family and to do some activism that’s what I used the internet for um but three years ago I was really fortunate enough to um a longtime friend of mine who i’d known for 20 years I i saw a shift in the way she was showing up and she learned how to through mentorship and community and training she learned how to use this thing that we’re talking through um to earn money for her family. And um and so that was like ah ha hmm okay so teach me how to do this. I did some training, I got mentored, I got a community around me that could support me in this process and over the last two or three years I’ve learned a skill set and aligned myself with products and products and services that made sense for me, you know. They have to align with your values um but that made sense for my lifestyle right this way of doing business made sense for my lifestyle. So that was the origin that’s my origin story is as mom boss um yeah and then you know you just kind of you have the map and the blueprint and the plan and then because we’re all different we all have different journeys um you know there was the process of like learning how to do these things burning down my limiting beliefs finding things that didn’t work for me that I had to shift and kind of make my own but ultimately the thing that that enabled me to to be where I am now it was the training and the mentorship in the community that I got three years ago. Which was just an incredible blessing and continues to be a blessing so I’m long-winded.
It’s ok you’re helping me out, I’m getting over a cold. So it’s good that you’re talking! Um so a lot of that with the freedom era then or it was a combination of going to specific mentors? Yeah tools as well which I know we’re both into EFT.
Yeah when I started the freedom era wasn’t around can you hear me okay my daughter’s gonna go past the camera because she’s gotta use the bathroom and we live tight okay all right good mini break just like i’ll sing some elevator music while we’re there okay um so when I started i’m a goofball I gotta um when I started three years ago we didn’t have the freedom era did not exist. Um there was another training platform um that was really good and it kind of launched me on my journey of learning how to you know what this technology is and what I discovered is it’s really actually not um it’s not was not as complicated as I thought it was gonna be. It was much much simpler and um it was much easier to learn it and start doing it than I thought. Um but I did have great mentors and they’re almost all of them moms um which was important for me because um you know if you don’t have kids you’ve got more time that’s quite frankly that the um thing. And even when I didn’t when I didn’t have kids I still thought I didn’t have any time um and I thought you know life was really busy and I would felt overwhelmed often but then when I had kids i’m like oh girlfriend you didn’t you didn’t know no you didn’t know um so so basically having been mentored by women who have walked in my shoes and I know that they bumped up against the challenges that I had you know um I felt really really supported you know. And it’s not just exclusive to mothers there’s all sorts of people in our community there’s there’s men and there’s um baby boomers and there’s 23 year olds single ladies who are rocking it and the the awesome thing about it is that the technology for succeeding in the online space is actually the same no matter what your particular circumstances are. It’s just um that um sometimes the details of your life you may need some support around so that you can implement and that’s where having a community that can support you on, that is really so so so good. Um so yes and then the freedom era came out and that was just like a whole other launch step up. Because then like when that I i could see holes in my own um ability to grow my business like huh I feel like my content isn’t reaching people isn’t getting the response that I want even though i’ve written a lot of copy what’s missing um and then I can go into the freedom air academy and do a class on copywriting you know um for for example i’m actually teaching a class on copywriting next week.
Oh cool yeah um i’m just finishing the money course i’ve been loving it.
Oh that’s so important yeah yeah one of the big reasons that we um that we may not have what we want in our life is often not strategy it’s usually inner uh limitations so our self-concept our viewpoint around money and um welfare mindset versus abundance scarcity mindset right like oh who’s going to be quite a lot around me sometimes it’s easy to get into that state I think it is because we are we’re we’re sponges for all the influences that are around us so if we’re not super super conscious about the narratives that are being spun in our own orbits. Around us you know we can be um absorbing these uh unhelpful ideas without even realizing it and then when we go to do our action we don’t do it we don’t take action because of this like bumping up to resistance so mindset is super super important. And it’s not just thinking a good thought, it’s like you know meditation journaling. You know there’s lots of tools that you can use to help you get there, yeah.
So was that one of the biggest shifts for you? Like also going into the world like because a lot of people even going into it they’re like oh it’s so expensive. Which you know if you can get your mindset even just at the beginning of like okay I am worthy of like this water system and of success and just trying this path. How did you even just mean it sounds like your close friend who’d seen some of that as well but was there something that had to shift before you actually jumped in or?
Well I no I jumped in I jumped in because I had a great need. I had a great need but I and I made a lot of progress and I had a lot of success but I ran into a wall at a certain point which was in 2019. And I misassigned this wall to um it was not a big big wall but it felt like a big wall it was like two months when I i just went and I miss assigned this to what’s going on in the world right I said well the reason why my i’m you know in a funk the reason why i’m not making sales is because um because of you know cv we can’t say those words anymore right pandemic yeah add an l in there and then you’ll have some accuracy um uh you know and um and maybe nobody wants to buy these things and maybe everybody’s afraid to take a chance.
And so um so your mind went backwards a little bit?
Yeah it was like you know the frog the frog going up and down the well right I i I went up two steps three steps and I went back down one and I had kind of like a couple of months of like not good in my business and then I caught myself i’m like okay so hold on a second because actually there are people rocking it right now they’re rocking it and they’re moms and they’re single moms and they’re you know they’ve got whatever their life situations are what is different between them and you is it because they have a smaller nose dumb things right is it because they are 10 years younger than you are is it because they um is it because they’re luckier you know and and all of those are bs right the the reason why was because I focused on things that were not helpful to me and I i argued for my limitations rather than my dreams and and then I just didn’t show for my business so um 2019 the end of 2019 I say autumn I you know in the fall I got really disciplined about my inner work game. My any coach worth their beans will tell you it’s between 60 to 80 percent inner work and that doesn’t mean like a lot of people what I used to do is like okay i’ll spend five minutes on gratitude practice this morning that’ll be my inner work okay great i’ll spend 10 minutes writing affirmations in the morning and that’s it and then what do I do for the rest of the day if it’s eighty percent inner work and i’m only actually spending one percent on inner work what’s going on so I got really um hardcore on on reading the books and listening to the audibles and not just reading them while i’m doing the dishes and not really listening like stopping absorbing journaling you know journaling on it meditating on it writing myself a task that had to do with what I just read. So that I was implementing it so I could see this in my life taking action um I would write down on the recommendations that the authors would say to do and I would actually do them. Most of us don’t it’s called shelf help, because we we get the book and we go oh very nice very nice i’m gonna read the back cover oh yeah that’s great oh the first chapter oh man this is amazing it’s amazing it goes on the shelf yeah and then we we think that we’ve done inner work.
Shelf help not self-help yeah. So it was gratitude also like the book the magic we’ve done twice with the free um with the thrive movement. Which is also one of your babies um yeah which has been so amazing to be part of even just a little bit um yeah so has that been a huge tool as well that keeps I know you’re doing it again now right?
I’m doing it again for myself because um I think when we do it when we make it like a personal practice some and and not being flashy about it there’s something accountability wise where we’re accountable to ourselves so i’m doing it by myself. I’m about halfway through and I really tasked myself to go very deeply with this one. This is absolutely um mandatory. I’m looking for a word that isn’t doesn’t feel um kind of too young but um indispensable. This is an indispensable part of my self-care um gratitude as a frequency and energy is the abundance frequency because when you see the abundance you get more of it and it also makes you a super attractor. Because I think you know everybody’s got this moment when they’re around somebody who’s a complainer and you just you just want to like you just want to walk away you know oh god you don’t want to be around a complainer right. But you’re around somebody who’s got gratitude and is thankful and not just says please and thank you but really embraces gratitude um it feels good right?
You want to be a real grateful person. Yeah yeah so it’s a real thing that’s amazing. Um can we talk a little bit also about medical freedom because I know that that is an area that we both connect. For me it was for my brother seeing him you know become injured. I know that you have been sort of around that world. Was there something that shifted in you, was it becoming a parent or what was it that really kind of yeah took you.
Okay medical freedom because that’s a big thing to take on yes so and I will speak in ways that won’t get you censored um because i’m sad yeah. It’s good there’s that consciousness yeah totally um it’s it’s dumb that we have to do this but you know it’s it’s better to get to get the word you know we just have to be safe and discerning and strategic. So um yes so I have always been very holistic. My mom was kind of a hippie. She um I was born on a macrobiotic commune back in 1969. Yeah with midwives and you know I don’t know if they called them doulas back then but um and yeah I never I think I had two of these in my life and I had the one that gives you a scar on your arm which they don’t do anymore used to have that one yeah yeah and I had the oral they don’t do anymore because it was causing injury and illness um and I think that’s it and we never had we never did tylenol we didn’t do ibuprofen we didn’t have soda in our house we didn’t have junk food. Once in a while we would have ice cream and you know we got treats but um we were a whole food family and so um so I already had the mindset of looking to mother nature for uh remedies. Like my mom used food as medicine um and supplements she used supplements too um and we went to like you know chiropractors instead of going to you know MDs. So when I became a parent, I already was kind of like I had midwives and doulas at my um at the birth of my children both my children they were both um my son was born in the water. With my daughter we had a labor tub there um and um there’s there she is baby number one baby number one gave me the gave me the gift of motherhood um so um so when I when I became a mom I was already kind of um I I wasn’t like oh yeah i’m just gonna do whatever the doctors say like oh yeah whatever they’d say um I was like let’s look into this let’s see but I wasn’t a big I wasn’t like an absolute no um I was like let’s look into this. Let’s see, so I asked fortunately you know, in hindsight , all my friends that had babies. I just asked them hey what did you think about this? Did you do that, did you do it, did you not do it, why did you do it or not do it and then you know what I found out was very eye opening. Um and I don’t know how deep we want to go and probably not too deep but ya was very eye-opening. I found all these babies that somehow were incredibly healthy that didn’t have the and um. And when I bought my house actually we were we I had bought my house just about a year or maybe about two years before becoming a parent and wouldn’t you know it this is how the universe is moving in mysterious ways. My um the family that owned the house right across the street they actually rented it, they rented it out and moved away but I found out the story about this family. They had triplets they had two girls and a boy and um the the day after their um three years three-year booster shots whatever yeah three years the little they all spiked fevers and um the little but the little boy in particular cried all throughout the night um and the next day couldn’t couldn’t talk or walk and is still profoundly disabled and in a home special care. And I was like holy crap I did not know that this could do that. Yeah I better do some research and so I asked my you know at a certain point I came to the conclusion that okay maybe we would do the the one that they recommend for rusty nails see how i’m just like really avoiding it yeah and so I told my pediatrician. I said you know I think we’re going to just do that one because because you know like all the other stuff I actually feel like I could handle with homeopathics and nutrition. And you know I breastfeed both my kids until they were three, you know three and a half probably. And they were getting all those antibodies from my body. I had you know I had mumps as a kid i’ve got a scar right here but I also have those wonderful antibodies right. Um so he said well that of all of the things on the schedule is probably the least important one because we hardly ever see anybody who has that um who has tetanus and I thought okay well then we won’t do any of them so. And what I found out about tetanus is that tetanus itself has basically disappeared basically disappeared with the advent of the automobile because um not because of the rusty nail but because um well it was partially to do with rusty nails but mostly to do with um actually not not to do it had to do with animal feces because tetanus spores actually hide in animal feces. So what what they thought was the rusty nail issue what happened was it would be these kids running around on a farm without any shoes on yes they would get a puncture a deep puncture wound but then they’d be stepping on animal feces. And getting the spores in of the um tetanus into the wound right tetanus is an anaerobic organism so it doesn’t like oxygen which is why it only occurs deep and also why you find it in um women who’ve had like cesareans inside right and they’re like well there hasn’t been any rusty nails around here clearly so what happened there well it’s because it’s anaerobic so the if you can get a um deep puncture wound to bleed by squeezing it and then get hydrogen peroxide in there which which oxygenates it you’re golden you’re you have no problem there’s nothing to worry about so um so basically that was kind of like the long story short. And then when my daughter was not quite in preschool she was we’re looking at preschool and then we were looking at the recommendations right i’m like well the recommendations we’re not going to do them but then you know not too much later we had this onslaught of legislation that came in California which is kind of like SB277 the first one um I think I started yeah school mandate and um I was like hell no, hell no are you gonna tell me what I have to put in my child that I’ve already researched.
Good for you oh yeah
Boom yeah it’s not happening um and it really raised my alarm bells. I’m like I’ve never been political. I’ve never been interested in politics. I hardly even vote, but it’s like that’s about as much as I do. And I just became really aware that this was probably the most important thing that I uh could stand for at this moment um and for about my son was four-six months old when I went to the capitol for the first time. In Sacramento in California with my letter and that was my between parenting and activism that was my life for oh boy for a few years. And then um and then I was burned out. I was so burned out because I went really really really really hard but it felt like the right thing to do at that moment because if we didn’t push back you know like look look where we are now. Right so um so yeah we have to resist we have we need to you know our bodies are gifts from the universe and there’s no agency um lower than god that has a right to tell us what to do with them um you know even god goddess universe source even source gives us free will so it’s like a very um that philosophy of state mandated medicine is a counter to universal laws uh foundational fundamental universal laws so yeah I am and if you’ve had a family member who’s been hurt like you have then it becomes even more clear. Like yeah there’s no there is this is non-negotiable.
Yeah it’s crazy to me though how i’ve lost some friends and people that have been very close to me. And I’m just like how do you not see, you know but I do think that is one of the silver linings of what’s kind of going on in the world today. There are a lot more people that maybe wouldn’t have stood up or whatever and not to get too into that but who are starting to see things that some of us who have been more affected you know by this road whether it’s having children or seeing injury or whatever that have been like hey! We’ve been saying this for a while like you know, regardless of where you want to stand we still have to stand up for our freedoms to choose. We have that sovereignty with our bodies right, so yeah.
Amen! Like where is the line is the line one is it two is it three is it three in a booster is it three and two boosters three boosters how many boosters is it a monthly this yeah and and why would you not want to have choice or the freedom to say no. Yeah that’s crazy you know particularly because the pharmaceutical industry does not have a lilly white past. Like they do not have a lily white track record they have a really they have a track record they are the I think they’re the most sued industry. Yeah of any in the world yeah you know and really crazy [ __ ] that they’ve been doing too so it’s like I think that you probably want to have the right to say no you’re a major international corporation that sometimes does really corrupt things and I probably don’t want to be required to use your products right. yeah anyway yeah it’s I think probably what you said like um people’s lines in the sands are you know they probably had they didn’t have enough of a boundary and now the boundary that they did have is getting pushed yeah um or maybe they feel more personal for more people. I think yeah I think that’s what it is yeah it’s great I mean it’s exciting it’s like I think is it 40 to 50 percent of the world is waking up now and saying no ah we’re not going to do it we’ll we’ll sit and have our lunch in the streets if you say we can’t go in the restaurant you know we’ll we’ll have our own homestead if you say we can’t go in the supermarket we’ll you know we’ll work from home we’ll homeschool you know no we’re not going to do it you’re disempowered boop.
I love them in Italy about six months ago too, how a lot of them burned their uh their v passports just to come back into solidarity. Right because I mean they’ve seen extreme politics. It was like so beautiful, right to see some of that um so one thing I wanted to quickly touch on two two more questions one is so during that time you kind of burned out because i’ve seen before and after pictures of yourself you know um for sure the success in the monetary way and your mindset all of that is changing but health wise it’s like night and day. Like you look like 10 years older in those pictures like five years ago three years ago um and so especially around here which in tcm they say is the kidneys. Which is the area more noticeable with burn out, but that’s like one of the areas you see so can you talk a little bit about the health benefits with the living water and how for you or people around you have benefited in that way.
Like yeah sure totally and by the way I with with um marketing online we do have to be careful about not making claims so there’s certain things that you’ll see i’m going to speak very generally about yes um you know we can come on social media all day long and we can say really dumb stuff like this saves lives this is totally safe but we can’t say things that actually are real and true um so we’ll talk in in compliant generalities. Um yeah I was chronically ill um I would get um like deep respiratory illness like like two or three months and then I would get well and then i’d get sick again two or three months and I was just really like yeah a total adrenal fatigue um uh I looked like the grim reaper like I was just like my you know skin was kind of action and I didn’t have dark circles under my eyes and I didn’t sleep well and i’m just all sorts of things. So um and what I what I i can’t like say hey you know and now this never happens to me and that just simply for compliance reasons but what I can say is that um just have a look at my photos and um have a look at you know or look at me right now right my skin was not did not glow um I couldn’t do what i’m doing right now which is to be a single mom homeschooling and running a big international team um and it is true like in chinese medicine um this is the kidney point right and if you’ve got dark circles under your eyes you know that you’ve got kidney issues and you’re probably deeply and chronically dehydrated, which I was. I didn’t know that I actually didn’t really understand what structured water was it has to be the the molecules need to be the molecule clusters need to be small enough to be able to be up uh uptake up taken up took what’s the past tense here into your cells because your cells have a little mouth called the aquaporin and it’s only so big so if you’re drinking micro clustered water it’s not going to get in there. Um and all water that comes through metropolitan water districts or has been bottled and sits on a shelf is macro clustered. The um molecules get densely compacted together and it makes you feel bloated. And it makes you feel queasy and it doesn’t hydrate you so you could drink all day long and still pee it all out and not be more hydrated. So that element and then the active hydrogen that’s in it which is the most powerful antioxidant in the world and antioxidants have everything to do with aging and DNA protection and um immunity. One glass of, I’ve got that fresh pour here.
And I’m drinking mine too, yeah.
Yeah the most delicious water in the world. You can see yeah the little tiny bubbles that’s not um air bubbles that’s actually molecular hydrogen and it is the smallest and most powerful antioxidant in the world. I can’t make a health claim regarding that all I can say is you can look it up on google scholar or pubmed and you can look at electrolyzed produced water and learn what scientists have found it does in the body. Um you can also um what else can you do if you don’t know the importance of antioxidants I highly recommend learning about it because it’s most of us don’t get enough of them um but this glass of water this is two like i’ve drank two two two cups here there’s two more cups here. Um this is um equivalent to about 10 pounds of blueberries just this in antioxidants and it’s measurable you can measure it with an electronic device a scientific device so imagine if i’m drinking like four of these a day then it’s like not any mystery why my health is improved right so um yeah I and I that’s basically probably the most compliant thing I can say beyond that I can’t really um you know give too many more details but um yeah it has really changed things for us and um my my children too. My my child i’m especially my oldest child i’m going to talk about you and tell tales about you honey she um has some sensory um kind of issues sensory um processing yeah tactile and and is very choosy with with textures and things like that and had a real problem with drinking water because it didn’t feel good going down her throat. Macro clustered water is kind of like it’s um clunky. I don’t know for lack of better expression micro clustered water structured water is silky and so when you drink it it’s like really it’s really easy to drink. Um and so and it’s delicious and so they drink water all day long we have no issues. With um any kind of um you know constipation and things like that um yeah highly recommended yeah because hydration is helpful with digestion too which I know we can’t say claims but in general hydration is very important right i’ve heard from holistic doctors and holistic nurses that it’s actually the number one cause of of illness is dehydration so if our cells are not hydrated it the detox pathways don’t work right yes there’s no flow there’s no place for things to to process to flow in and out right so it makes sense that um adequate hydration a lot of holistic MDs are now starting to wake up to the importance of structured water.
It is really really cool it’s really really cool yeah! The last thing I just wanted to ask was um so in kind of your daily routine and in your success um you know you talked about mindset and a lot of people say 60- 80 is mindset but what about the daily routines. Is there something that from three years ago to now that has shifted or is still the same? I know the gratitude, we talked about that. Like what advice would you give to someone who’s you know like even with myself sometimes i’m like okay i’m doing the inner work i’m like oh god it’s already been a month and i’m still on the inner work.
Okay like yeah you know in all of that like what’s the best thing to apply to have the success to flow that you found. Anyways yeah don’t don’t think that you have to do all the inner work before you take action um that’s a mistake because what happens is um the the fundamental reason why people don’t um what people have a difficult time creating what they want is because they’re of their self-concept um self-concept who they think they are who they think they are yeah so I before I um really started rocking it here I had a self-concept i’m like oh well i’m humble i’m kind of an introvert i’m I mean I love to do nerdy things like make homemade mayonnaise and and ferment my own sauerkraut and you know I like to do stuff like that and I am a homebody right i’m not like a big flashy you know um I just spilled water all over the place i’m just like a normal you know kind of i’m just a mom right and i’m so but I had this self-concept that that meant that I couldn’t um like I couldn’t learn sales and marketing I couldn’t put myself out there I nobody wants to hear what I have to say right our concept is like who we think we are there’s a wonderful film about that in um uh called who the bleep who does what is it what the belief do you know what the belief do we know right we have a self concept that is not um helping us yeah and so that’s like in the years of zero to seven we’re getting downloads from our parents. A lot of it isn’t helpful, we we are getting feedback from the world a lot of it isn’t helpful some of it is and then we arrive in our adulthood and we think this is who I am um but self-concept and it’s it’s in our operating system so it’s a um it’s like foundational and it’s subconscious and unconscious so it’s like elevator music in the background that we don’t even hear. This is what we think is our reality which is simply based on programming so um self-concept changes in two ways and one of them is the deep inner work that you really really recommend, but the other one is with taking action. And even if it’s messy I have taken a lot of messy action, see I just did that here I’m supposed to be fancy and water on myself um. Last night I did a um. I taught a web class and my technology failed like eight times in the middle of it and whatever. Yeah yeah I just kept I get I kept getting kicked out of the the zoom that I was leading fortunately my co-host is really smooth and um gracious and she we did a great job together but um if you’re waiting for your beliefs about yourself to change before you take action you’re missing the other piece of it which is when you take action it raises your confidence and shows you that you can do it. And so um it’s the two together really so this is why like all the the big coaches say push yourself to do something that’s a little scary don’t stop at your comfort zone actually go a little beyond it because then you’ll discover that it’s what was scary about it was your ideas about it not really the thing itself and um your ideas about it are based on you know maybe past traumas you know I got bullied in school I i felt like okay I don’t want anybody to look at me ever so if i’m if i’m just invisible then i’m safe but that’s not true right i’m safe because I say i’m safe you know so um I would say that doing the two together is like the magic formula right uh do something that you don’t feel ready for do something that you fail at do something that you you are embarrassed about do something that you feel because here’s the other thing especially if you’re building a brand online if you are too polished and you’re too perfect and you’re too together and you never make a mistake like if especially if you’re team building and you have direct sales you know people are not going to believe that they can do it. Because all of us are human beings, having a human experience, you know we’re spiritual beings having human experience but that means that we’re gonna eat a lot of [ __ ] and we’re gonna make mistakes and you know if we’re showing up perfect then apparently nobody can have a business because you got to be perfect to have a business so um be willing to be yeah just be willing to do it wrong you know.
Yeah I like that, um your mess is your message. I didn’t realize that Preston Smiles said that, that’s what in one of your past things and I was like oh I always i’m like oh my friend Noelle says that. So that’s awesome but I love that because sometimes when I’m a little nervous like okay I’m just gonna go for it and I think that it helps me a lot.
Totally and you can even be honest about it and say you know what guys i’m super nervous right now I think i’m about to pee my pants because I i i’m getting over my fears and so you know drop me a hashtag drop me a drop me a comment below if you’ve ever done something that you are afraid to do and and tell me tell me about it you know let’s share this human momentum and just be real with each other you know yeah it’s good for people to be to be vulnerable and to see other people being vulnerable you know. Like let’s get out of our shells and and be more more honest with each other.
Yeah I love that, well thank you so much for sharing your honesty and just where your journey has come from and um yeah just being able to chat has been really beautiful. I’m so grateful to connect with you here. And whenever we do i’m always grateful and um yeah thank you so much if you want uh put a hashtag below replay or if you’re watching it live if you have more questions you can post them below and maybe one of us um Noelle or myself can answer probably more you because you know you’re the mentor you’re the one that’s been through the journey i’m still on it but you know things are unfolding and i’m excited and I love looking to you and Chaitanya and Liz and you know you guys have taken those steps a bit before me so. I’m excited about being able to have these people you know and the community in the freedom era.
And there’s some amazing stuff so it’s really yeah and you know we just taught a class last night actually which sort of gives the introductory steps to learning how to create a brand um for yourself and so you can also if you if you want to you can invite them into that okay um and it’s a beautiful movement right that’s actually in the rise and thrive collective which is so the thrive movement is not a business group it’s purely a it’s a community it’s community support so it’s really for um elevating our our minds and our spirits and our bodies um and then our business group which is um is a collaboration called the rise and thrive collective which is this collective that we’ve we’ve come together with my mentors right because everybody has a mentor right yeah um uh my mentors and um you know lots of different people in our business all over the world who are supporting each other and you know mentoring each other and community support and teaching each other to learn how to create a really abundant business online that is in alignment with who we are right because um that’s that’s one of the limiting beliefs that I had tonight maybe then we’ll we’ll wrap it up as we’ve gone long see i’m a long-winded person um but um sometimes people don’t think they think that being successful in business and having an abundant income and being really financially healthy is separate from being aligned with your values and being a good human and like you’re doing the wealth mindset stuff and being ethical and having integrity they think it’s like it can’t be aligned but actually that’s completely false that’s just a that is a um story that we’ve been handed generationally and and this is like you if you watch movies oh hollywood movies you know the good guys are always usually poor the bad guys are usually rich so and who does that benefit to give people the idea that being abundant is um you know corrupt well it would benefit you if you were a corrupt wealthy person because then you could keep the income for yourself keep the masses you know controllable and poor and then you don’t have to worry about being challenged right. I would love to see that shift let’s bring a little bit more of that down here to people with good hearts and good values, so that’s what the rise and thrive collective is all about is it’s it’s helping people to learn how to create a lucrative abundant brand totally in alignment with their their heart and their soul.
So love that! Lastly too with the freedom era with the money mindset; how it’s a lot about bringing value too um like the bonus was with Adrian Wesley, and he was talking about that a lot and that is really exciting to me too because I love to give. So you know when i’m like okay like gotta make money or do that I mean that’s exciting too to like let things flow and abundant and getting out of my way and learning all these things but being able to just give value which is part of why I wanted to do this interview is to just give people value and not think about you know where that’s gonna go or anything um and that’s exciting too, because that’s true like when you are abundant and your glass is full it’s so much easier to be like there you go.
Like have some you know yes and it’s so easy to forget that you know absolutely no all of the most successful and sustainable businesses come from service um it has to right it has to it’s like otherwise it’s parasitic and and parasites that that don’t um you know like a parasite that that takes more than it gives or at least isn’t isn’t sort of a symbiosis is gonna die so so um and and not to mention that it just doesn’t feel good right it feels like you said it feels so good to be in service right? It doesn’t feel good to be codependent and exhaust yourself but there’s a balance point right and that balance point is where all the good stuff is so yeah.
Awesome, well thank you so much and have a beautiful night and I’m sure I’ll talk to you soon and I’ll definitely check out the rise and thrive group as well um and whoever wants to then I can help guide or Noelle can help guide in the chart below.
And have a beautiful night yeah thank you Evi, you’re amazing thank you so much love you good night bye bye.

By Evi OMsGurl
Holistic, Sustainable, Abundance
Evi pronounced Ev eee
OMsGurl (keeping things with the origin of her original business name:
OurOM2hands, 2014-2022)
Evi OMsGurl is an authentic brand, where she focuses and promotes:
Holistic, Sustainable, Abundance.
Freedom & Love being the goal and purpose to: Alchemize Whole Wellness
Welcome, we are grateful, thankful, blessed to have you here!
Her own life has included some shadow work that has led her on this path; including witnessing her only younger brother regress into autism (he was age:3), having moved through very dark depression late teens into early 20’s, survivor of multiple skin conditions, reversed ADHD, and recently while in nutrition school healed hypothyroid at the root cause.
She is a graduate of CSNN and a registered holistic nutritionist since 2019. Her love for holistic health and wellness includes these forms of education and certifications: yoga teacher level I (2005), reflexologist (2008), bodywork and massage (2012), rainbow kids yoga (2014), reiki level II (2017-2018).
She first began OurOM2hands in Courtenay BC with a friend, and it has since turned into a sole proprietorship whereby this blog is born. The focus of the blog is centred around the themes connected to OurOM2hands; holistic, sustainable, abundant intentions and actions. Enjoy!
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