Black Bean
Gluten Free and Plant Based
Gluten Free Black Bean Brownies
Prep: 10 min
Bake: 20 min
Ready-to-Eat: 30 min
Plant Based
Gluten Free
12 Brownies
- 1 ½ Cups Black Beans – drained and rinsed very well
- ¾ Cup Nut Mylk – I prefer unsweetened coconut mylk
- ⅓ Cup Cocoa Powder – my favorite brand is giddy yoyo
- ½ Cup Gluten Free Flour – I prefer coconut flour
- ¼ Tbsp Unrefined Salt – unrefined is much healthier
- ½ Cup Maple Syrup
- ¼ Cup Coconut Oil
- 2 Tbsp Vanilla Extract – alcohol free is healthier
- ½ Tsp Cinnamon Powder
- ½ Tsp Baking Powder
- Preheat the oven to 350°
- Blend all ingredients in a food processor or use blender on medium speed
- Bake at 350° for 15 – 20 minutes depending on oven heat
- Makes 10-12 brownies
- Freezing them once they have cooled down helps them to bind together. Ootherwise try using only use ½ cup nut mylk instead.
- Maple Syrup – agave
Nutritional Information
- High in fiber with black beans
- Cacao contains minerals including potassium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc
- Cacao is said to support the de-calcification of the pineal gland
- Coconut Oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties:
- Coconut Oil also has additional benefits for the antibacterial and antifungal properties:

By Evi OMsGurl
Holistic, Sustainable, Abundance
Evi pronounced Ev eee
OMsGurl (keeping things with the origin of her original business name:
OurOM2hands, 2014-2022)
Evi OMsGurl is an authentic brand, where she focuses and promotes:
Holistic, Sustainable, Abundance.
Freedom & Love being the goal and purpose to: Alchemize Whole Wellness
Welcome, we are grateful, thankful, blessed to have you here!
Her own life has included some shadow work that has led her on this path; including witnessing her only younger brother regress into autism (he was age:3), having moved through very dark depression late teens into early 20’s, survivor of multiple skin conditions, reversed ADHD, and recently while in nutrition school healed hypothyroid at the root cause.
She is a graduate of CSNN and a registered holistic nutritionist since 2019. Her love for holistic health and wellness includes these forms of education and certifications: yoga teacher level I (2005), reflexologist (2008), bodywork and massage (2012), rainbow kids yoga (2014), reiki level II (2017-2018).
She first began OurOM2hands in Courtenay BC with a friend, and it has since turned into a sole proprietorship whereby this blog is born. The focus of the blog is centred around the themes connected to OurOM2hands; holistic, sustainable, abundant intentions and actions. Enjoy!
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