Alive Water with
Acid for Health and Wealth
Alive Water with Fulvic/Humic Acid for Health and Wealth
Holistic health is about the mind, body and spirit; and how they work in unison; to align with the best you. When all systems, organs, tissues and cells work optimally; there is reduced inflammation and the least amount of oxidative stress. In today’s day age there are visible signs of imbalance and dis-ease with inflammation, lack of energy, lack of strength, lack of sharp memory, and so many countless di-orders. When someone truly functions optimally in their health, it is a supreme gift of wealth. There is a symbiotic relationship between the environment around us, and how we are influenced by it, some also call this the terrain theory. While this blog isn’t about that, I wanted to touch on this theory to present information: that there may be a distinct difference in how we look at our whole health.
In fact we are not our genes; epigenetics according to Dr. Terry Wahls allows us to address holistic health at the root to benefit our genes for our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. How inspiring is that, that what we put into our bodies and do: lifestyle wise can influence our genes by turning stronger genes on and other genes off, to reduce our risks of dis-ease, and dis-orders.
We deserve to be free of ailments, and suffering: to live more free with our holistic health. The whole: mind, physical body and soul/energy body may have specific systemic responses; agreed they can vary to degree or depth in each person at different ages and stages and season of one’s lives; but I believe based on my experience and knowledge that there is in fact a formula whereby as humans we can thrive. We can live most optimally with these two particular things: hydrating alive structured water offered by the electrolyzed reduced water system and remineralize with fulvic and humic acid which gives us 70+ trace minerals for homeostasis.
- What causes holistic imbalances and dis-ease at the root?
- How do environmental disruptors including toxins, inorganic heavy metals and parasites cause deficiencies that prevent holistic empowerment?
My qualifications include:
- BA in anthropology and theatre (Concordia University)
- Registered holistic nutritionist (CSNN)
- Bodywork/massage certified (VSBM)
- Reflexologist (Canadian Reflexology Association)
- Reiki Level I &II (Rosewillow Reiki)
- Hatha Yoga Teacher Certification Level I (Main Street Yoga)
As well as the following experience:
- 3yrs+ working in health food stores
- 3yrs+ working in yoga studios
- 3yrs+ working in spas/holistic centers
With all this considered I feel I have some adequate education and experience to delve into these questions. What I have found in my discovery process is that: what offers optimal holistic health appears more clearly, and more obviously simple than I had ever imagined.
Holistic health looks at how; the mind, body and spirit work together. What causes imbalances and dis-ease at the root; which seems to be a combination of an overload of toxins and a combination of deficiencies of what we need most to thrive.
I am not sharing this information to diagnose or cure, check with your health care provider before trying anything new.
Alive structured water and the combination of this with these pure, potent ancient minerals from fulvic and humic acid I believe is THE winning combination to propel our health into wealth. Afterall health is wealth and is super powerful?!
Why Alive Water and What is That?
Holistically besides the mind/body/spirit connection, holistic means focusing on preventing imbalances, and dis-ease. SO Why is alive structured water beneficial to this?
First, I’d like to share how alive structured water and its benefits showed up in my life. I can say that it is one of the most magical experiences, and it has been in front of us the whole time. Places like France and Costa Rica naturally have this type of water, it is also found in coconut water from the coconuts, and kefir water too. Love sharing about it, and how it enhances one’s daily living!
I have a friend who had fibromyalgia who cried to put her clothes on, and who had visited several doctors with no avail to find healing or support she was looking for. However within a month of switching to alive structured water, her pain reduced significantly by 80%.
When I worked at this cute integrative health food store in 2018 in Vancouver, BC they had for the staff alive structured water available for the employees to drink. It tasted like nothing I had ever tasted, and made me feel more grounded and stronger digestively as well. Which we all know with holistic health the gut is the engine of all systems and organs. The gut is the center of mostly if not all imbalances and dis-ease. The digestive system also includes by the way the liver; our main detox organ.
Oh my goodness this water system talks to you when you use it, AND when you change the settings from alkaline to base, or acidic. I didn’t even really think about, or know that water had different properties to it in regards to different levels of alkalinity and the health benefits involved.
Personally while I was in nutrition school, at this time; I was diagnosed by a ND with hypothyroid. My TSH was 10.8. Anything over 10 is considered in the autoimmune category. When I began this hypothyroid journey it was June 2018.
It turns out, (side note) in British Columbia: NDs have the authority to prescribe medication. I was initially offered medication for my hypothyroid. I declined because I wanted to discover the root cause.
I do think there can be a time and place for medication; my own brother is still on a low dose medication for his autism. He has gone off twice, but so far, we have not fully successfully been able to maintain a lifestyle with him off medication.
However, I believe industries and “professionals” offer advice that has been normalized, that may prevent us from truly looking at science which can offer questioning and data that empowers us in our own health at the root. Medication is in fact petroleum based and while it may offer an ability to hold off symptoms, it will not and does not offer full healing at the root.
Iodine, Essential For Life; Part of the Periodic Table of Elements
When I began on my protocol to heal hypothyroid we tried, since I declined medication: nascent iodine. I already knew some of the therapeutic benefits of iodine. As a bodyworker who does massage, I was at that time I was also working with a BC based product line that includes kelp from the Belacula. This type of treatment with iodine is common in France called: thalassotherapy (Please find on my recommendations section: on the Offerings page a link to these products).
SO because of my background as a bodyworker having experience with iodine via thalassotherapy, I was empowered with the knowledge that iodine is necessary for the endocrine system.
Heavy metals compete with iodine in the body. The top two competing heavy metals with iodine are: chlorine (found in various water supplies), and fluoride (also found in various water supplies).
More questions arose in my exploration process: How does nascent iodine versus lugol’s iodine work? How and why is some iodine more bioavailable? Why is the use of iodine more prominent in Europe versus in North America? ( I may do another blog post about this soon)
Ultimately if you do your own research the best people I found in North America whose work is worth looking at includes: Dr. Edward Group with global healing group, and the work of the amazing MD Dr.David Brownstein
T4 and T3 are important hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Each molecule of T4 and T3 is made up of a protein and iodine (in the form of iodide). T4 contains 4 molecules of iodide and T3 contains 3 molecules of iodide – hence the names T4 and T3.
The purity and alkalinity from water offers either stressors or supportive hydration particularly also for balancing or wrecking havoc on the hormonal system. The liver: which in holistic health is part of the digestive system, is also very important as it is the organ that is most prevalent for
detoxing, as well as it is responsible for metabolizing our hormones.
Ultimately water is needed for hydration and to flush out toxins from the body, in fact each organ needs a specific percentage of water to thrive. Water when alive has a structure and then becomes more bioavailable.
Alive water means it has a negative charge, rather than a positive spent ionic charge. Alive structured water offers negative ionic charges to remove the positive spent charge of heavy metals and toxins out of the body. Alive structured water is hydrogen rich and therefore also full of antioxidants. The hydrogen is a negatively charged ion that removes positive charged ionic free radicals. This chelation process creates a more alkaline environment inside the body. Without chlorine and fluoride and other inorganic heavy metals inside the body; it is less spent on defending and therefore has more energy on creating homeostasis.
Hydrating is also key with balancing all our systems, organs, tissue and cells. Since we are made up of 70% water. Each system, and organ requires and is made up of a specific percent of water.
What Else Makes the Water Structured?
Structured water also means that the water molecule is in a tetrahedron shape. This is the shape that the cells are programmed to absorb. There is a sacred geometry in nature that fits like a glove. Inorganic minerals have entirely different structures than organic minerals. When there is an accumulation of positive ions in the cells and tissue; they accumulate and cause heavy metal poisoning and calcification.
Unfortunately, a lot of water is dead, with positive spent ions that offer no hydration, and no health benefits. In fact, some waters with their filtration processes particularly in a lot of bottled water “enhance” the water with chemicals. These chemicals seep into our bodies as toxins. Chlorine and fluoride are common among these chemicals found in water, competing with iodine and increasing what is known as our toxic load.
Spring water is structured water too; it may naturally offer the best possible advantage when alive structured water is not yet available to you. However, some spring water today is not as pure as it once was, and may include some inorganic heavy metals and toxins.
Ocean water includes unrefined salt with a significant amount of natural iodine. While we cannot stay hydrated enough on this type of water, the salt extracted can be highly favourable for the body. There is a great book called: The Salt Fix, this is worth looking at. Iodine is essential for life, this is why researching more about iodine became key in my healing hypothryoid. Toxins and inorganic heavy metals are hormone disruptors. Alive structured water; offers deep support to all our systems, organs, tissue, and cells. It is that simple and that powerful!
Some other work looking at alive structured water includes: (as mentioned: Dr. Pollack’s book), Dr.Emoto and the documentary: the secret of water. These three resources in my opinion are excellent resources to uncover the utmost importance of what is alive, structured water.
Alive structured water is KEY for hydration, pushing out toxins and so much more!!
Who Speaks About Structured Water
Chemists, biologists, physicists, engineers, and medical doctors graduating today (right now!) are not learning about the existence of structured water. That is, unless they study sacred geometry and its relationship to the living elements. Otherwise perhaps some residents in Professor Gerald Pollack’s laboratory at the University of Washington. In Professor Gerald Pollack’s book “The Fourth Phase of Water” (published 2013) Dr. Pollack describes exactly what structured water is and discusses the mountains of scientific data from his experiments over the last several years.
Some other work looking at alive structured water includes: (as mentioned: Dr. Pollack’s book), Dr.Emoto and the documentary: the secret of water. These three resources in my opinion are excellent resources to uncover the utmost importance of what is alive, structured water.
Alive structured water is KEY for hydration, pushing out toxins and so much more!! Get your super power aligned with alive structured water!!
Alive Structured Water Synopsis
- You can drink or bath in alive structured water
- Alive structured water offers deep hydration
- Alive structured water offers a more alkaline environment to reduce free radicals
- Alive structured reduces oxidative stress
- Alive structured water includes a tetrahedron shape
- Alive structured water especially supports digestive and endocrine health
- Alive structured water is hydrogen rich to support all systems, organs, tissue and cells to work more optimally
What is Fulvic and Humic Acid Anyways?
Fulvic acid is the end product and smallest particle of the decomposition of ancient, organic matter. Organic matter is just a fancy way of saying peat bog.
When extracted, purified and delivered in a liquid supplement form, it carries all the nutritional information, antioxidant capacity and genetic coding of everything in that decomposed matter. We know the fundamental building blocks of our bodies are the same as other organisms so it only makes sense to nourish your body with what it is made of, optimizing regeneration and repair.
Fulvic acid is extraordinary in how many bodily functions and systems it supports. It is essential to the metabolic processes of living cells and helps correct cell imbalances. Due to its nanite size, fulvic acid moves easily into cells, including crossing the blood brain barrier. It bonds to nutrients, carrying up to sixty times its molecular weight in nutrition into the cell. It also bonds to waste inside the cell, removing up to sixty times its weight in toxins, heavy metals, pollutants and pesticides.
Free radicals are toxic by-products that cause significant cellular damage. Each cell in your body can be hit by up to 10,000 free radicals per day and they need to be neutralized in order to not ravage living cells and tissue. To be neutralized each free radical needs a donor electron.
One molecule of fulvic acid can donate fourteen tera-trillion electrons. That’s twenty-one zeros! It has the unique ability to react with both negatively and positively charged unpaired electrons, rendering free radicals harmless. It then alters the mineral to new usable compounds or eliminates them as waste.
These ancient minerals assist with enzyme production, hormone structures and are necessary for the absorption and utilization of vitamins.
For me, removing heavy metals and toxins was key in my healing journey of hypothyroid: alive structured water and ancient pure and potent minerals that push out heavy metals and toxins and keep the body alkalized is absolutely key for simply and clearly empowering optimal holistic health.
Dr. Joel Wallach, author of “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”, is famous for connecting over 900 different health problems to deficiencies of the 90 Essential Nutrients that the body does not make.
The two time Nobel Laureate, Dr Linus Pauling, said “You could trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency“. Approximately 99% of the human body is composed of minerals, yet minerals are generally overlooked when nutrition is considered. It is well known that the human body requires at least 60 minerals in order to maintain a disease and ailment free state. If this information is indeed true, it’s easy to understand why sickness is so prevalent throughout the world, even in technologically advanced countries. The body can utilize minerals without vitamins, but vitamins and most other nutrients are basically useless in the absence of minerals.
Fulvic and Humic Acid Synopsis
- 6,000 year ancient pure and potent minerals (includes 70+ trace minerals)
- Fulvic pushes out toxins while deeply remineralizing
- Adaptogenic properties
- Hormone balancing support
- Highest in natural electrolytes
- Supports weight management
- Improves digestion: includes natural pro- and prebiotics
- Lymphatic and circulatory support
- Skin support (supports the liver. The liver is often connected to skin imbalances. The liver is the largest detox organ)
I’ve done a ton of my only healing with skin imbalances, eczema, tinea versicolor, ADHD, anxiety, depression and hypothyroid most recently, which took me on this goose chase of more deeply understanding heavy metals and toxins and deficiencies.
I thought removing the toxins, heavy metals and parasites was enough, and it’s a BIG Part of healing. Ultimately, we NEED rich, pure, potent minerals and clean, alive, hydrogen rich alkaline water to thrive! Alive structured water: also known as (ERW) electrolysed reduced water and fulvic/humic with 70+ trace minerals to remineralize and rebalance into homeostasis is I believe from my experience, and knowledge a winning combination for empowered optimal holistic health.
As a registered holistic nutritionist, I feel so truly honoured and blessed to be able to have this truth at my fingertips and offer support and guidance to empower true optimal holistic health at the root: with alive structured water, and potent fulvic and humic acid (ancient minerals).
Why survive, when you CAN thrive with empowered optimal holistic health!
#optimalhealth #healthattheroot #alivestructuredwater #ourom2hands
BAM!!! How do you feel??
Truth, Freedom and Love
#ancientminerals #youarebeautiful #holistichealth #empowermentnow #happyhealthylife #healthandwealth #cheers
With Our OM2 hands

By Evi OMsGurl
Holistic, Sustainable, Abundance
Evi pronounced Ev eee
OMsGurl (keeping things with the origin of her original business name:
OurOM2hands, 2014-2022)
Evi OMsGurl is an authentic brand, where she focuses and promotes:
Holistic, Sustainable, Abundance.
Freedom & Love being the goal and purpose to: Alchemize Whole Wellness
Welcome, we are grateful, thankful, blessed to have you here!
Her own life has included some shadow work that has led her on this path; including witnessing her only younger brother regress into autism (he was age:3), having moved through very dark depression late teens into early 20’s, survivor of multiple skin conditions, reversed ADHD, and recently while in nutrition school healed hypothyroid at the root cause.
She is a graduate of CSNN and a registered holistic nutritionist since 2019. Her love for holistic health and wellness includes these forms of education and certifications: yoga teacher level I (2005), reflexologist (2008), bodywork and massage (2012), rainbow kids yoga (2014), reiki level II (2017-2018).
She first began OurOM2hands in Courtenay BC with a friend, and it has since turned into a sole proprietorship whereby this blog is born. The focus of the blog is centred around the themes connected to OurOM2hands; holistic, sustainable, abundant intentions and actions. Enjoy!
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