Chocolate Muffins
A Naturally Sweet Recipe
Adaptogen Chocolate Muffins

Prep: 5 Min
Bake: 25 Min
Ready-To-Eat: 60 Min
Gluten Free
Grain Free
12 Muffins
- 1 cup Coconut flour
- 1 cup Almond flour
- 1 cup coconut oil
- 1 cup cacao
- 3 capsules broken open of purica 360’ – OR – Purica vitality – OR – 1 tsp of harmonic arts cordyceps
- Big sprinkle of himilayan salt
- 5 tbsp – Flax meal and 10 tbsp water
- Alcohol free vanilla
- ½ cup – Maple syrup – OR – Coconut Sugar – OR – Erythritol
- ½ cup – unsweetened apple sauce
- Unsweetened chocolate chips
- 1/2 tsp – baking powder
- 1/2 tsp – baking soda
Step: 1
Preheat oven to 350’
Step: 2
I pke to make the “vegan egg” first. Use flax meal 5 tbsp, add 10 tbsp water and mix well, then leave sit (it needs to sit 5 min to bind)
Step: 3
In a big bowl mix all the dry ingredients
Step: 4
Then in another bowl mix wet ingredients and add the “vegan egg”
Step: 5
Once both bowls and mixed well separate add together and use a handheld mixer
Step: 6
IF you need to add a pttle more pquid add 1/4 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk
Step: 7
In a muffin tray pne with cups and use an ice cream scooper to put in cups
Step: 8
Add muffin tray in oven if it is ready and bake for 20-25 min
Step: 9
Once pulled out let sit for 30 min, as they are cooler they will bind better
Step: 10
Add to fridge, if left in the fridge another 30 min will be most sopd but still soft and yummy
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Naturally Sweet Recipes
By Evi Spiliotopoulos
Hi I am Evi, I love sweet stuff, anytime, except maybe right before bed;-)
I don’t think we need to feel guilty or ashamed of enjoying the sweet stuff! Life has its obstacles, challenges, pain, sweat, tears, and fear; I don’t think there needs to be ANY negative connotation to the naturally sweet stuff. I think spirit/energy/universal love/god made it for pleasure. OurOm2hands stands on “holistic, sustainable, abundant intentions and actions.” THE food we make, and enjoy alone or with people we loved is meant to bring love. I want it to holistically heal and nurture you. Sustainable because it is easy to maintain and it sustains a beautiful life in you, and from the ingredients you choose that help keep the earth alive via seed, to soil. That interconnection of us and the earth is so important and what ingredients we choose helps keep it alive or not, just like the ingredients we choose for our own bodies. Abundance here with these recipes because life is meant to be celebrated, to expand the joy so more joy will grow and spread far and wide. We are what we eat, they say, so the more love the more joy going into the food and how we eat is important and part of the holistic aspect too. You see the way the body/mind and spirit are interconnected, so too are holistic, sustainable and abundant intentions and actions 😉

On a physical level; I have shed weight over 10 lbs since I balanced my hypothyroidism. The more I ACTUALLY listened to my body/mind and spirit which DID NOT include deprivation; the more my body spoke and told me when I was full, the more my body said let’s go for a long walk, lets rest and let’s relax and watch or listen to something funny. For some of us it takes more time, or care depending on what is on our plates in our lives; with children, husbands, wives, or if we are alone; either way mustering up the courage to make a shift is the first step. I only want to inspire and bring a peace of love via these recipes.
Despite certain trends I believe, because of the influences that I used and applied that helped me most to find strength, energy and stamina during my journey of healing and finding optimal health again: Fruit, and natural sweeteners are necessary for the body/mind and spirit. Natural sweeteners I mean: organic fruit, raw honey and maple syrup. I do switch things up with organic coconut sugar at times since it does not feed yeast (candida imbalance), or Erythritol. I don’t use agave, but it is a low glycemic index sweetener and I am not against substituting with it.

As a mystic whole food nutritionist my world includes lots of love, magic, arts, and moving past pain that no longer serves. I nourish my body/mind/spirit with the sweet nectars of life. Those of you familiar with Ayurvedic doshas, it is obvious one of my main doshas is kapha. Organic fruits and these natural sweeteners mentioned brings a great deal of joy to me. I believe their colours give our spirit what it needs to thrive, our bodies and minds; the best in antioxidants and amino acids for energy and brain function; all of which our whole selves need to live most optimal.
There will always be various schools of thought, and various ways to look at the same picture, so I am providing some options to switch up ingredients to hopefully give you something that suits you. Ultimately the recipes are a frame of reference to inspire you to try things or play. I hope the love I have from these recipes bring some love into your home and hearts! ? Food is the gateway to connection to ourselves and one another, it represents cultures, communities, gatherings and purpose. Don’t sweat the sweet stuff ?