True Tuesday
Health Tips

Love adaptogens: they are a supportive tool found in the herb family, some foods and essential oils that help us adapt to stress 💗🙌🏽
I mentioned one of my favourite companies @puricawellness with
Jason Watkin his podcast link: https://www.purica.com/tag/jason-watkin/
I met while working at @choices_markets in the health and wellness section 2019-2019
Love @finlandiahealthstore that has a 🌿herbal dispensary, pharmacy as well as supportive supplements; where I worked while still in school @csnnnational
Also love @harmonic_arts with @herbal_jedi this apothecary that distributes all over, but located on beautiful Vancouver Island
And @foursigmatic #adaptogenmushrooms #goldenmylk
Tools to help us adapt to these shifting times #empowerholisticalignment
#ourom2hands #mindbodyspirit #mindbodyspirithealth #optimalhealth
Mentioned: #cordyceps #reishimushroom #schisandraberry #tinctures #powders #loveoflife #holistichealing
Also mentioned detoxing heavy metals, with this company I’ve partnered with @the_good_inside
#detoxyourbody #detoxheavymetals #zeolites #thegoodinside
Thanks for joining me on this first day of fall/autumn 🍃🍎🍏🍂🌿#firstdayoffall🍁 #fallequinox equinox #omsgurlblog
Thxx #omsgurl🇬🇷🇨🇦 🦋
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