Simple Salad
An Eat The Rainbow Recipe
Alive Simple Salad

Prep: 5 Min
Cook: 0 Min
Ready-To-Eat: 5 Min
Gluten Free
Grain Free
2 Full Bowls
- 1-2 whole – Carrots
- 1 – Red pepper
- 1/2 – cucumber
- 1 handful – arugula
- 1 handful – spinach
- 1 handful – sunflower sprouts
- 1⁄2 – fresh lemon
- 2 tbsp – extra virgin ~ cold pressed, ideally first pressed Greek Olive Oil
- 1 tsp – Himalayan salt
Cut up veggies in whatever shape your heart desires, then add to a bowl, or two. Add the olive oil, squeeze lemon on top, and salt: toss, and lastly add sprouts on top. IF you save this as a meal prep cover up, or put in a BPA free container in fridge. Typically depending on condition of veggies will store in fridge for 1-3 days.
Nutritional Benefits
High in Vitamin A & Beta carotene, From Carrots, red pepper and spinach: Vitamin A; beta carotene the vegetable source of vitamin A: is free radical damage.
High in Vitamin C which is an essential vitamin for life, without vitamin C people in the past especially out to sea would get scabies. The vitamin C from the lemon also enhanced the HCl in the stomach. HCl is the acidity the stomach needs to break down food in the large and then finally the small intestine.
Vitamin C helps fight common colds, and flus. It aids in boosting the immune system and is a precursor to building your elasticity/collagen which is the second most abundant substance in the body after water. Also the lemon creates a more acidity to the food, which enhances the absorption of calcium and iron to be extracted from the food (particularly from the arugula and spinach in this simple salad: which are naturally good sources of plant based calcium and iron)
Lecithin found in the sprouts enhances memory, and brain function. Also supports the liver and kidneys (the detoxifying organs) to stay optimal health by binding fat and cholesterol to water.
Himalayan Salt
Iodine is found in the himalayan salt. unrefined himilayan salt contains the essential mineral iodine, it is found in smaller amounts in food and in our soil so it is very important to get it from the sources that still contain it particularly for thyroid health!
Greek Olive Oil
Mono-Unsaturated good fat is found in extra virgin, cold pressed, first pressed Greek olive oil. Greek olive oil tends to be pure and derived from sources that are free of impurities, from olive trees on the side of hills, valleys and mountains from areas of Greece with less pollution, on a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It plays a critical role in maintaining vision, neurological function, healthy glowing skin and more. It is a powerful antioxidant, involved in reducing inflammation through fighting patches of land that have been used over and over rotated with care on pure rich soil full of nutrients. The cold and first pressed: is where the most nutrients from the olive oil is found. Mediterranian communities have lived with this amazing cold pressed, first pressed olive oil in their diet for many generations, we see the optimal health reflect particularly in their beautiful skin.
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Eating Raw Food
By Evi Spiliotopoulos
There are different schools of thought in regards to the nutritional value of eating food raw, or cooked. From my CSNN nutrition school, it was expressed from numerous sources that a traditional nutritionist standpoint is most often said for most people to find optimal health it is advised: to eat 70% raw and 30% cooked, steamed, or stir fried food. It is believed that the raw foods provide more enzymes in their raw food states.
However, with my BA major being: anthropology, I like to look at what different cultures do, and have done: in regards to optimal health. That which aligns with OurOM2hands values of being: holistic, sustainable and abundant intentions and actions. SO the two oldest most recognized forms of holistic, sustainable, abundant health seem to be: Ayurveda and TCM/traditional chinese medicine.
A close friend of mine (who is interviewed here on my vlog) states raw food is not for everyone, and may also depend on the season! Since most of us in the summer crave and want to eat more raw fruits and veggies, whereas depending WHERE you live; often in colder wintery weather more cooked or steamed root veggies are craved and wanted by the body. Have you noticed this?

I like to eat steamed or lightly stir fried food most often, especially in cooler temperatures. Although I do love raw fruit, and some simple salads like the one in recipe 1 of this Eat the Rainbow section. I find in general from warm foods: mentally, emotionally I feel overall more grounded and calm. My body also when it eats some warm cooked or steamed food, does not crave more food as I feel satisfied. When I personally eat a lot of raw food or the 70/30 ratio: I often including in warmer weather: find my digestion slows down and I feel overall more sluggish and/or mentally/emotionally spacy.
It is a personal journey to find, or rediscover WHICH foods feed you. This includes the holistic: physical/mental/emotional. Sustainable: easy to access, and prep and/or make. Abundant: brings you joy, and nourishment. As a registered holistic nutritionist I would advise if you are very confused: keep a food journal.
Food journal exercise
Keep a food journal for a minimum of one week. The food journal is a commitment to your health. This drive and discipline to optimal health may give you back in return an invaluable deepening into what YOU need which includes via food. It is an opportunity to delve into your holistic, sustainable, abundant intentions and actions ?

Advised: How to do the food journal experiment
Step 1:
It is recommended: write down each food you eat, for the duration of min one week.
Step 2:
Next, after EACH food and/or meal you eat: write down HOW you feel right after you eat
- Energy wise
- Emotionally does it do anything for you, what you just ate
- Mental clarity
- IF you notice anything about your digestion
Step 3:
Make another column in your food journal for HOW you feel 30mins AFTER you have eaten that specific food or meal. Keep in mind: The key is to leave as much room as you can to write your first and second impressions for each section. It is imperative you are open and honest with yourself on this journey, this process is all FOR YOU!
Step 4:
After the week is up, look back with a fine tooth combs, are there patterns?
Is they’re foods or meals your body seem to resonate with physically/mentally/emotionally? Was it to nourish you, or keep you stuck in a pattern of addiction (ie sugar)?