Supporting Queens
rise, Heal
& Glow
release physical, emotional, mental, energetic barriers that no longer serve to rise, heal and glow in your power
This holistic approach includes: quantum biology, Holistic Nutrition, personal development
I am thrilled to share from my education and experiences; To challenge you to step into your most aligned highest time line to rise heal and Glow queen
Hi I am Evi OMsGurl

Evi OMsGurl Mini Bio
I am a registered Holistic Nutritionist, with much experience in personal development. A certified level I Hatha yoga teacher, reflexologist with reiki level II, and a BA in theatre and anthropology
I feel most called to share to women, since I carry a distinct woman’s story and experiences of rising, healing, and glowing into my power with support so I can serve.
I am most influenced by
The works of Weston Price’s work,
Quantum Biology
Some aspects of TCM/Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Book with me your 1:1 WHOLISTIC coaching session by emailing me: [email protected]
Is Queen Mentoring for you?
YOU want to stand in your power:
- YOU seek energy
- YOU seek focus
- YOU seek to shed weight, or maintain your optimal weight
- YOU want to feel grounded, centered and calm (nervous system regulation)
- YOU want your skin to glow vibrantly
- YOU want your nails to grow easily and stay strong
- YOU want your hair to grow easily and stay healthy shiny and strong
- YOU are ready to step fully into your Whole balanced Queen self with reins over your most optimal holistic health: this is wealth babe
Wholistic 𝓠𝓤𝓔𝓔𝓝 Packages:

Featured Quantum Queen Mentoring
5 Coaching Sessions (1x month)
Coaching Sessions: 30-45 Mins
Time varies from client to client.
- To shed weight eating whole foods you love
- Working with the light diet ( you will need to get 2 products i recommend)
- This will be fun and set you up to balance your hormones, so you can keep the weight off
- Have more energy
- Have better sleep
- Vibrant hair, skin and nails
- More focused, grounded and centred
Unlimited Messaging
During Office Hours Only
Allow for 24 hr Response Time
$555 USD

1:1 Healthiest Queen Pack
3 Coaching Sessions
Coaching Sessions: 30-60 mins
Traditionally booked 1-2 weeks apart.
After we have the initial 20 mins and we decide to work together. I will support you with food guidance that best gets you transformed to have more energy, shed weight, and stronger overall. There is a level of sovereignty so that when we are not coaching you feel raved up and ready on your own to make the best decisions to continue aligning with your highest potential: the queen you were meant to be; transmuting your pain into power. There are lifestyle recommendations and unlimited messaging during the time we work together.
Unlimited Messaging
During Office Hours Only
Allow for 24 hr Response Time
$333 USD

Going Gluten Free 1:1 Coaching
1x week for 4 weeks Mentorship
Coaching Sessions: 30-45 Mins
Time varies from client to client.
I have been on and off gluten free since 2016, As a nutritionist I have the know how, and deep wisdom to provide you the science and deeply integrated ways to get you on your way living free and happy, healthy with the gluten free lifestyle. Offering you some ease, fun and ultimately empowering methods and food plans for you and you’re long term health.
Unlimited Messaging
During Office Hours Only
Allow for 24 hr Response Time
$444 USD

Happy Healthy Journey
5 Week Experience
Coaching Sessions: 20-60mins
All 1:1 coaching sessions.
Choose from one of Amare’s packs
Happy Juice Pack or Happy Hormone Pack
I will support you with food guidance that best gets you transformed to have more energy, shed weight, and stronger overall. The products will only give you that much more gut and hormone health (depending which pack you choose) to propel your health forward faster! There is a level of sovereignty so that when we are not coaching together you feel confident on own to make the best decisions for your highest potential. Lifestyle recommendations and unlimited messaging during the time we work together.
Unlimited Messaging
During Office Hours Only
Allow for 24 hr Response Time
$555 USD
Holistic Mind/Body/Spirit Recommendations
Recommended reading, viewing and/or listening material, mindfulness classes or workshops (online options available), and/or other personal care modalities that can enhance ones optimal holistic health.
Meal Planning
Depending on the package you choose, I will draw out some meal options that will assist you for your week. Some planning is meeting yourself with preparation to succeed.
Supplement Recommendations
More Energy & Vitality
As a result of strengthened digestive, and elimination systems; with more optimal health energy and vitality follows. This is thrilling; I know what it is like to lack energy and vitality. During the thick of my hypothyroid I experienced deep spouts of drain. I barely had the energy to complete daily tasks and even had dizzy spells. Healing from the root cause and discovering what worked for me to rebalance; I know how liberating it is. Finding what works for you may vary, but working together we can discover your greatest alley for continued energy and vitality.
Have Clearer, Brighter Skin
Certain foods help build your collagen; which is the most abundant in your body after water. It is a protein that is naturally found in our muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive system, and tendons. Collagen production slows down in the body after a certain age; we can boost this with foods. With skin conditions: acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, and tinea versicolor; we will look at eliminating toxins from the body and supporting the endocrine system (hormonal system.) Beauty starts from within. I had eczema and tinea versicolor for yrs, it has been years since I rebalance my body to have clear bright skin from the inside out. The POWER lies in food, herbs and supplements. I know it can be frustrating, but gorgeous glowing skin is possible; additionally as a result hair and nails will strengthen too.
Improve Sleep
As other areas of the body/mind/spirit balance this too will be an area of focus we can improve. Working in the holistic health field for nearly 2yrs plus school; I have a clear approach from the hundreds of testimonials of what aids to improve quality of sleep.
Reduce Stress
We can work with what we can control; here mindfulness exercises along with supportive destressing herbs, mycelium, supplements and of course food will be key to reduce physical / mental / emotional stresses.
Strengthen Your Digestion
So you have acid relexus, or an inability to digest certain foods; this could be due to overactive or underactive stomach. The levels of acidity (HCL) and balance of good/overgrowth bacteria; gut biome, are key aspects to elimination, and absorption within your digestive system. Based on the assessment we will do together; we can look at the best avenue for you; to improve your digestion. To reduce bloat, eliminate acid reflexus, and strengthen your ability to digest whole foods.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn All About Holistic Nutrition!
How does a holistic nutritionist differ from a dietitian?
A diet is often about deprivation. My healthy eating meal plans are about introducing you to a new and exciting way of eating that fulfills your taste buds and fulfill the integral part of your everyday life. Every body, however, is unique and requires a different plan. Nutritional counseling looks at the root cause of your health imbalances. Dietitians use the allopathic model of disease, giving advice to manage symptoms. I will teach you the optimal way of eating with your unique requirements and conditions. It will empower you to be your own expert in recognizing which foods are best to eat and which foods are best for you to avoid. Also looking at how your lifestyle is affecting your health since the body/mind/spirit are interconnected and play an integral part of optimal health.
What kind of holistic nutritionist are you, how do you focus on optimal health?
Some holistic nutritionist work with athletes, or people keen to focus on weight loss and other specific calorie based solely scientific fitness methods.
As a mystic and whole food nutritionist; my influences include Reiki masters, TCM doctors, Ayurvedic doctors, Yogis, Gurus, and other Mystics. My approach while not suited for all, will best suit someone seeking a nurturing holistic nutritionist that comes from a more “alternative” “crunchy” “intuitive” approach.
As my background includes yoga teacher, certified Reflexologist, Bodyworker and Reiki practitioner; I look at how your energy, vibration, attitude, emotions and spirit are affecting your body/mind and spirit as a whole. How this interconnected web that is the relationship of your whole self, may find true healing via releasing old patterns, pains and wounds so that optimal health can be the focus. It will vary exactly how that unfolds from person to person.
While exercise and movement is necessary and may be suggested it will never be from a solely chemistry or biological stance with my consultations/coaching.
Is everyone put on the same diet?
I believe in the power of healing via food, supplements and herbs. There is no diet that is appropriate for all. Whether you are eating gluten-free, grain-free, Ketogenic, Paleo, Weston A. Price, GAPS, Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan, low-carb, or raw…I will direct you to the best choices for you. My main focus is whole foods, this includes some fruits and lots of veggies. For everyone on whichever diet I may suggest to start looking at the relationship of how the food is grown and delivered. I will advise you on making dietary changes when indicated. The idea is that your plan should be based on whole, nutrient-dense foods first and foremost.
Who will benefit best from your programs or consulting?
People struggling with systemic inflammation, chronic disease, people with skin issues, poor digestion and elimination, low energy, and people feeling totally stressed out not sure how to manage. Motivated people who show up for themselves and take responsibility for being in the best possible health are for sure going to see the best results! I love working with people who are interested in making a positive change in their lives, and particularly those who are willing to try something new and exciting via eating whole food, and making lifestyle adjustments for the sake of optimal health.
Do you believe past life traumas can affect this life which includes your health?
Yes I believe in past lives and that they may affect who you are now; I am NOT a medium or psychic. I do believe past life experiences can affect this life, however I do adhere to practical methods and means to identify the root cause from this current life and a plan of action to put into practice means that can align you with what may be best suited for healing to take place in this life, at this time